Friday, November 11, 2011

That awkward moment when you move house and break your ankle

Ok, so I know it's been AGES since I last posted - like, 6 weeks or something. So very, very slack of me.

So I guess I better update you all on what's been happening with all of us.....

We got the house we applied for which I mentioned in my last post.  So very thrilled!  But of course, then the craziness of packing and moving ensued.  We did the move ourselves with my Dad driving the rental truck down to Melbourne.  As fate would have it, it poured with rain on the day we moved out of our house. Never want to do that again!  The drive down was uneventful and the kids were well behaved - I wasn't sure how they'd go with it all as they'd never been on such a long road-trip before but they handled it very well.

We arrived in Melbourne, went to the real estate agent and signed our lease and picked up the keys and spent the rest of the day unloading all our worldly possessions with the help of some very dear friends who were so very kind to help us out.

The day went well and smoothly.  One of my friends offered us a lounge-suite to us for FREE - can't say no to a freebie so my Dad and I went out to her house (about an hour away) late that afternoon with the truck to pick it up.

I picked up a couple of the lounge cushions to take them out to the truck and soon learnt a very valuable lesson....uneven ground plus thousands of dropped gumnuts plus a pair of thongs makes for a very painful fall.

Yep, I slipped and in the process dislocated and broke my right ankle.....just what I fucking needed.

The ambulance was called, the green whistle was administered and my dear friend had the great idea of taking a pic of me too (God love her - when I saw the pic on FB it made me laugh so much, but that could have been the morphine LOL).

I won't bore you with all the hospital details but to cut a long story short, I fell on the Thursday night, I had the operation to put in a couple of plates and oodles of screws on my ankle on Monday afternoon and I was home on the Tuesday.

Open cast and big bag of ice to keep the swelling down in the days before they operated

I find this really cool and fascinating and then I start freaking out about how there's half a hardware store in my leg

So then I was hobbling around on crutches which I haven't done since I was 5 when I broke my leg and I reckon it sucks a whole lot more than it did back then. I hate the bastards, so now I'm using my desk chair as a makeshift wheelchair while I scoot around the house (thank God for tiles!). I've also got an old lady stool for the shower and a toilet frame around the loo - so lovely *sigh*.

But I've been taking it all in my stride. The Husband is still home with us all and helping out heaps and some dear friends have been helping out and visiting me too so I don't go too insane.  The kids have been great and Master 8 has been really awesome at being my little helper.

Thanks to my amazing amount of clumsiness I've also been given a new nickname.  "Marti" doesn't quite cut it anymore so I've now been dubbed "Gutter Girl" which I think is hilarious. Hey, that's what friends are for LOL.

I had a hospital appointment on Wednesday to have the old cast removed, stitches taken out and a new cast put in in whichever colour I of course I chose purple....

Quite comfy and stylish and functional, yes?

So, in a nutshell, that's what has been going on with all of us lately....great timing of course. I'll fill you all in with some more details in further posts over the next couple of weeks.

If you've ever had a stupid stack or broken something I'd love for you to share it - so I don't feel so vertically challenged!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

It's on like Donkey Kong!

So I did a mad trip down to Melbourne on Friday to look at houses for our move. I flew back home on Saturday night and I was absolutely knackered!!!  I saw so many houses I've lost count.  But we've got an application in for a place that would be perfect for us - so fingers crossed!!

Going back down to Melbourne only reaffirmed why we think it's a great idea....

1.  It just looks so much nicer than Sydney

2.  The roads "work" there and actually look like they've been laid out with some foresight in mind.

3.  Most main roads are 80kph - as they should be in Sydney, but are not.

4.  The people are lovely and very welcoming (except for one property manager I met who was "one of those" who are totally full of their own self-importance - I haven't applied for that property out of principle).

5.  The airport is easier to figure out than Sydney's airport.

6.  The houses are just so much cheaper!!

7.  What can I say? I just love it down there.

I can't wait until we're there. We're starting countdown mode with ONE MONTH exactly until our move.

Bring it on!!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Zits, Babies and Stuff

Pure laziness personified :D

Fuck I hate these freeze frames.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

I'm a princess about toilet paper

I consider myself a pretty down to earth kinda person. I'm not all about frills and flowers and girly things. I don't mind things being a bit rough and ready.

Except when it comes to toilet paper, dunny rolls, loo paper, TP - whatever you want to call it (just don't call it "toilet tissue" - cause that's just weird)

I hate cheap and nasty toilet paper and hate wiping my bum with anything that resembles sand paper.

So when I was given the opportunity to review Kleenex's Cottonelle Toilet Tissue (it's not "tissue" dammit, it's just paper!) I jumped at it.  I'd do anything to feel that silky softness on my nether regions.

Now, I'm not going to regale you with my toileting habits - I have slightly more class than that.

Let's just say, it's pretty awesome - strong (nothing worse than when you get a finger that pops through - YOU know what I mean), smells pretty and it's nice and cushy so I found you need less squares than some other brands (so it lasts longer too).

Funny though that even though it's so awesome, no one else in this house will change the roll when it's empty.  Soooo wish it could automatically do that for me.

But anyway, when I received our parcel I actually READ the packet first - does anyone actually do that?  I don't. But I did.

The first thing I noticed (after the super-cute puppy dog) was the World Wildlife Fund logo. On the back it tells me that it's "sourced from sustainably managed forests and plantations".

I think that's pretty good - I'd like to know WHERE from though (I can be a bit of a fair-trade nazi, so I like to know where things come from and that the workers are well-treated).

I also noticed that they have a little mention about their contributions to Guide Dogs Australia and it gives instructions on how to make a donation.  I like that :).

After my perusal of the packet while drinking my morning coffee I thought it was time to rip this sucker open and see what we could do with it, other than the usual use for toilet paper.

So I enlisted the help of Miss 3 and we got to work.

First we built a tower. The pack had 8 rolls in it so I assumed we could make a pretty good tower.

It lasted about 10 seconds before it fell over.  Safe to say, don't use toilet paper as building supplies.

Then we set it up as a bit of a bowling game.

That didn't quite work either - unless we used a bigger ball. And I just don't let big balls in the house (I'm the only one with big balls allowed).

Brainwave! Use it as a pillow like that kid does in the TV ad!

Doesn't she look comfortable?  Erm, maybe not.

So I tried a suggestion that was on the pack and wrapped Miss 3 up like a Mummy.  As I wrapped it around and around her I started having visions of how this could be the perfect restraint device in keeping Miss 3 under control so she doesn't break all my stuff.  How could it fail?

Um, it did.  So, no, you can't use this toilet paper as a restraint device either.

And it made a heck of a mess to clean up.

To sum up, Kleenex Cottonelle toilet paper is pretty darn awesome as toilet paper, but it sucks at building towers, pillow substitutes or restraining 3 year old girls.

This post is part of Product Talk by Nuffnang and I was not paid for this post. I was sent the product in exchange for a review.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - I fell for it, again

He said he emptied the dishwasher.

He didn't.

Did he think I wouldn't find out?

I'm linking up with Trish at My Little Drummer Boys for Wordless Wednesdays :)

My Little Drummer Boys

Monday, September 12, 2011

The weekend wrap-up

Ok, so I didn't post on Friday.  It was a crazy day where I was desperately trying not to pick my fingernails off one by one in my anxiousness of meeting my big boss.

I'm happy to say though, I SURVIVED!!!  She was lovely and it was fantastic to meet her.  There's now some great ideas floating around for Birth and we're hoping they can make it an even better place than it already is :).

Saturday - The Husband took the kids off to the School Fete for a short time where they loaded up on lollies and showbags and then he brought them home and dumped them on me to deal with the sugar-induced hyperactivity.  We also got changed around the sleeping arrangements and I finally have my bedroom back!!!

So Miss 3 and Master 22mths are sharing a room, and Master 8 and Miss 6mths are sharing a room.  They're kinda shoe-horned in there, but it will do for now until we move at the end of next month.

Because of the move around, Miss 6mths is now in a cot - finally!!  She took to it really well. This week's plan is to start on Operation Un-Wrap.  Fingers crossed it goes well.

Saturday night - THE SWANS WON!!!!!!!!!!!  (Can't say I feel quite as confident for this Friday's game against Hawthorn - but I'll be waving my flag anyway!!)

Sunday - The kids and I spent the day with my parents while The Husband stayed home and studied for his Big Test at TAFE tonight.

All in all, a quiet weekend for us.  Trying to enjoy it while I can, because it's usually around this time of year that our weekends get REALLY busy.

How was your weekend? Do anything interesting?

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Putting it in perspective

Sometimes life might get you down. You fall down, feel like shit and can't get back up again.

Well from now on, when I feel like that, I'm gonna look at this guy. Just to remember that I haven't got it so bad after all.

Borrowed from a friend's FB :)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wordless Wednesday....I didn't see it coming

The Offender....yes, butter wouldn't melt in his mouth

The weapon of choice

My subsequent injury

This happened last night when Master 22mths was going to bed. He stealthily snuck up on me, quietly picked up the remote and THWACK!!! Right on my nose.

I cried like a big baby.

Now I'm going to look even more "special" for my scary meeting on Friday *sigh*.

But, I'm going to be rocking this outfit for the rest of the week.....


I'm linking up with Trish at My Little Drummer Boys for Wordless Wednesday. Check out the other pics this week!!

My Little Drummer Boys

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

If you have to watch a vlog....make it this one!

So I've done another vagina log.

And no, it's really not as important as I've made it out to be....but heck, just watch it anyway, will ya?

You just gotta love those freeze-frames, don't you?  Sheesh!!

NB: To those I know in real life, don't freak out, the christening is not this week... it will be early October, but I'm organising it this week, so don't get all huffy thinking I didn't invite you :).

Monday, September 5, 2011

Cherish Your Cherubs: Interview

I'm linking up with Seven Cherubs and Cherish Your Cherubs. This week we were asked to interview our kids.  I knew this could be interesting!

Master 8

What do you love?
I love the Wii. I love Mum. I love AFL.

What makes you happy?
Playing with my friends.  I was happy when I made pro in table tennis on the wii.

What makes you sad?
When Miss 3 hits me.  When you ban me off the wii, the playstation, the DS and the computer all at the same time. When my friends tease me.

What makes you angry?
When Miss 3 takes the ball off me and runs away with it.

What makes you scared?
When I had a nightmare like I did last night (I asked him if he wanted to talk about it, but he said he didn't and he was ok now).

How do you think I'm going, being your mum?
You're doing pretty ok, I think.

Is there anything you think I should change or could do better?
Nah, I wouldn't change anything.

Miss 3

What do you love?
I love mummy, I love Miss 6mths, I love Master 8, I love lollipops, I love Dad, I love teddy bear and owl, I love Master 22mths, I love tickling.  (and she said all of that in one breath!)

What makes you happy?
Buddy (our dog). Dad. Being silly.

What makes you sad?
When you don't let me have more milk.

What makes you angry?
TV (when I asked her again she just started naming random things she was seeing on the TV and saying they made her angry. By this point I knew our interview would soon be over).

What makes you scared?
When Master 8 says BOO! When the dog barks.

How do you think I'm going, being your mum?
You're a good mum.

Is there anything you would change?
[blank stare]

Master 22mths

What do you love?
[giggle] ah-eeeeee (and points at me)

What makes you happy?
[giggle] oh ba ba shocks

What makes you sad?
[giggle] oooooh mmmm

What makes you angry?
[giggle] wassat? wassat? wassat? (points at some random object on the other side of the room)

What makes you scared?
[giggle] [some more giggling] [starts clapping along to a song on the TV]

How do you think I'm going, being your mum?
[giggle] [blows me a kiss] DOH!!!

Would you change anything?
[giggle] akee akee, go way go way!

Miss 6mths

Ok, so I didn't interview her for obvious reasons.  I just wanted to gloat that my little smooshy is 6 months old today.  I just love her to pieces xoxox.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Things I know - I used to be hot, once

I used to be totally smokin' hot, once upon a time.

And then I had children.

I know my vajayjay will never, ever be the same again. I think I need to call these guys and make an appointment.

I know that giving birth and going through the challenges of raising children, has given me an even more filthy mouth than I did before.

Maybe not, but fuck it, I don't give a shit.

I know that my ass is now pushing for its own postcode.

I know that since breastfeeding my boobs are now following the laws of gravity a little too closely.

And I know that I have about another 15-20 years of lack of sleep ahead of me and these bags under my eyes will soon be a permanent feature of my face.

I found this when searching for remedies for baggy eyes....WTF????

I'm linking up with Shae from Yay For Home! for Things I Know.  Check out the link to see what everyone else knows this week!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Brain Dump

I've got so much stuff floating through my head right now!!! ARGH!!!!!

The Husband is struggling with his boss at work who's making his life difficult and being a general pain in the ass.

We're supposed to be moving to Melbourne soon and we still don't have a set date from The Husband's work.  They can't decide when they want him to go.  We really want to go down there but now we're not sure whether to keep waiting it out or just leave and The Husband gets a new job down there.

We're still trying to save money for our move but things keep popping up that need our money NOW.

We're trying to sell our car that's sitting idle and unregistered. People keep saying they want to come look at it and then never show up. I just want her gone!

Any one want to buy a car??? Please????

I've just been asked to come to a work meeting next week and it's something I can't really get out of, but I have no idea who I'm going to get to look after the kids.

Also work-related, there's a lot of pressure at the moment to "make things better" and I just don't know how I'm going to do that.

Master 8 told me at the last minute (read: in the car on the way to school this morning) that today they had to dress up for Book Week.  So I turned the car around, went home and made him wear mufti clothes. We were late for school so I had to lug everyone in to the office to sign him in.

Miss 3 is acting out something shocking at the moment.  Sneaking food away and then lying about it. She bashed Master 8 up with a plastic chair yesterday and scrunched up his homework. I just don't know what to do with her.

Master 22mths is starting to get really whingy and I don't know why.

Miss nearly-6mths is starting to teethe but there's no teeth showing yet, but she's carrying on like a little pork chop.

We've got a skip bin in my driveway that forces me to park down the bottom of the hill and lugging everyone up and down to the car and back is doing my head in. It isn't going until Saturday.

My car insurance is due - enough said.

I need to go out again because I'm about to run out of nappies for Master 22mths.

I found a hole in the back of my pants and my undies are showing.

Miss nearly-6mths is still sleeping in my room and I'm really starting to hate it.  She's too big for the bassinette but I have no room for her cot and I just don't know what I'm going to do with her.

I had no idea what I was going to blog about today and this was the only thing I could do - and I know it's totally lame and no-one is going to care about all the crap that's going on in my head.

I think that's it, for now......

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wordless Wednesday....Serenity NOW!

Miss 3 has already totally trashed the playroom I spent all weekend cleaning

I broke a nail cleaning it up again

Something has died in my fridge (and it's not last night's lasagne) so guess what else I have to clean today?

But it's all ok because I'm escaping outside for a while to drink this.

I'm linking up with Trish at My Little Drummer Boys for Wordless Wednesday.  Her pic today is totally awesome and would go so well with my coffee right now.  Make sure you head on over to see all the other fabulous pics this week.

My Little Drummer Boys

Blogs I'm loving right now

I'm a massive fan of reading other people's blogs. I just can't get enough of them. I thought I'd share some of my favourites with you in celebration of Nuffnang's Blog Day - which is today :).

Anything, Everything & Inbetween
Lovely Mummy-blog xx

Carly Webber - My Life in Colour
Beautiful photography

Whoa Mumma!
A mummy-blogger who makes me laugh every day xx

My Big Nutshell
Another mum who makes me laugh but is great for the serious convo too

Kate Says Stuff
She says the stuff that I'm always thinking xx

Check them out!!  And make sure you check out the Nuffnang link: Nuffnang celebrates Blog Day August 31st 2011 for some other great blogs being celebrated.

Want to share some blogs you love?  Leave them in my comments so I can check them out too!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A letter to my Dad....

Dear Dad

So it's Fathers Day this Sunday and I thought I'd take this opportunity to pay a bit of a tribute to you. Not that you'll ever see this, but I'd like to get it down on paper, so to speak.

Dad, I'd be lying if I said our relationship wasn't a sometimes rocky one.  We go from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows.  Something to do with the fact that we're so damn similar in personalities - we either get on great, or fight like mad.  It's our stubborn streak that proves our undoing.

I remember you, when I was a kid, as someone to be loved but I was also sometimes scared of you.  But I don't hold any ill-will over that. You were just doing the best you could - like we all do.

We used to have some great times together. Like when I would help you work on our cars handing you spanners and sockets when you needed them. You taught me so much about cars and how they work, stuff that I still know today and has proved invaluable.  You also passed on your love of Holdens to me and I love that we can sit together and watch Bathurst together every year and bag Fords out to our heart's content (much to The Husband's dismay who sadly, is a Ford fan).

I used to love going to work with you during my school holidays. You were a delivery driver and would start your days at 4am delivering crumpets to supermarkets. We'd sit in the van together and sing along to the radio.  Then we'd stop at a park for morning tea where you'd crack open your thermos to have a cuppa and I'd eat the lollypop you'd just bought me as a treat.  Those were really good times.

I remember how you used to pick me up from primary school in a royal blue tracksuit with the white stripes on the side - the jacket and the pants - and I used to think you were so daggy. I used to wish you wouldn't come to the gate to collect me because I felt embarrassed. Especially if you were still wearing your slippers too.

Dad, you've always been a really good speaker and people often asked you to do speeches at weddings and different functions.  You were always really nervous and you'd have a few drinks (or more) to settle your nerves, but you always came good and did an awesome job (even if you were wearing a bad tie).

One thing I've always loved about you Dad, is how you always make two cups of coffee for yourself at the one time so you don't have to get up to make another one when the first one runs out. And yes, it's cold, but you drink it anyway.  Maybe that's where I got my laziness from.  But you're one heck of an ideas man Dad.

We had a doozy of a fight once, in the car, when you picked me up one day in my final year of high school. I'd had my shirt signed by all my friends and you hit the roof. Even though I was never going to wear the shirt again you went on and on about how it was defacing something that wasn't mine....I still don't get your point Dad, but I remember how bad the fight was. That wasn't a good day - and something I think neither of us are that proud of.

I also remember how you dyed your hair and MOUSTACHE brown to go to my school formal because you wanted to hide the grey hairs.  OMG, you looked hilarious. I have a photo of it somewhere, but be darned if I could find it.  I wish I could - you would laugh so much at how silly you looked.  But I love how you did that for me - you wanted to look good for me in front of my friends.

I remember how tickled pink you were when I met The Husband and how you thought he was completely normal and a great guy and you both liked the same things and all that.  I think you would have married him if you could.  Now, he wasn't as normal as you might have thought (but he is totally great) but you both got on famously - and still do.  It's true what they say, that girls pick guys just like their dads.  Well, it's true for me anyway.

I don't think I've ever seen you look as proud as you did the day The Husband and I got married. And you looked so dapper in your suit.

In 2002 when you had your stroke, my God, that was one of the scariest times of my life. And when you had surgery to clear a blockage in your carotid artery and I saw you afterwards in ICU with tubes coming out of you everywhere....I cried and cried. I so didn't want to lose you. And I didn't. You came good and were home soon after.  You still show everyone the scar on your neck - like it's something to be proud of. In a way it is. It's because of that stroke and subsequent surgery that you quit smoking. Something I thought you'd never do. I'm so proud of you for doing that - and doing it so easily.

I thought I was going to lose you again when you were diagnosed with kidney cancer a few years later.  But you had more surgery to remove most of the dodgy kidney and this year you were given the all clear.  My relief was huge.

But your true shining moments have been when you're with my kids. Your grandchildren.  When Master 8 was born, you couldn't get the smile off your face. And you've been an amazing Grandad to them all.  You used to look after Master 8 every day when I went back to work - not many Grandads would be happy to do that on their own every day, but you did. And you rocked it.

The kids love and adore you and you know what?  So do I - to have you be such an awesome Grandad to them means the world to me.

I love you, Dad xxx

Monday, August 29, 2011

Cherish Your Cherubs - "Remember"

Today for the first time, I'm linking up with Naomi from Seven Cherubs for her Cherish Your Cherubs Project.  This week's theme is "Remember".

Master 8:  My first baby and what a learning curve he was (and still is)!  He is our little pioneer, the trailblazer, setting the way for his brothers and sisters.  The Husband and I sometimes refer to him as our practice child LOL.

I remember the big cone-head he had when he was born. I thought he was going to be a freak, but it settled after a week or so.  I remember that as a very new newborn he had a night where he cried and cried and cried. And I couldn't handle it.  The Husband had to call my Mum around to save the day and of course he was an angel for her.

I remember how much he adored his Grandad (my Dad) and they would play together all day as Dad looked after him while I went back to work. He was always such an inquisitive little fella.

I remember how he embraced going to daycare at 18 months old with gusto....he adored being there and always had such a fun time.

Master 8's graduation photo from daycare in 2007

I remember how excited he was about starting big school and how he couldn't wait to make some new friends.  I was a blubbering mess, of course. But he looked so cute in his uniform, I couldn't stop taking pictures, and he didn't like that so much LOL.

I remember the time he snuck off with my camera early one morning while I was still in bed and took some photos of himself. I laughed so much when I saw them later....he's a sneaky devil.

And I especially remember how thrilled he was to be playing football. He loves it sooo much. Even though all his friends play rugby league, he only wanted to play AFL - "cause they kick the ball heaps, Mum and I love kicking a footy". So AFL it was.  And I was so super proud when he got a Coaches Award last year and even more so when he kicked his first ever goal in the last game of the season.  This year has been ever better and it's been an absolute pleasure to see him improve and enjoy every minute of it.

But what I remember most is how he is a fantastic big brother. Always happy to play with them and help take care of them.  So very kind-hearted and such a beautiful soul.

Miss 3:  I remember how she interrupted my most favourite day of the whole year - the Bathurst 1000 - by gracing us with her presence (she was a week early).  Now, Ford won that day which was awful, but her arrival made the day sooo much better.

I remember how she was a very easy going baby.  Happy to go along with the flow, very placid and easily pleased.  Oh my, how things have changed LOL.

I remember how she was growing into the most beautiful little girl with hair the same colour as mine.  And then, for some strange reason, she started to pull it out.  All of it.  I was so scared and broken-hearted because we couldn't stop it.  It got to the stage where she really had not much hair left at all.

Pretty bad, but the worst was still to come.

I remember how she finally outgrew that habit and her beautiful hair started to grow back. I was so happy!  At the same time, she really started to develop a real Little Miss personality.  She knows how to try our patience but she makes my heart melt too with her kindness and love.

I remember how much you loved going to Grandma and Grandad's each week for a visit, especially when the Easter Bunny had been and left eggs for you to find in their garden.

I remember how excited she was when I was pregnant with Miss 5mths. She would always talk about the baby in my tummy and how there was a baby in her tummy too. And then, when Miss 5mths arrived, she was so excited to have a baby sister!

She always helps out with looking after Miss 5mths - she has an amazing mother-instinct in her already. She's going to be a great mummy some day.

Master 22mths:  I remember that he arrived in a real hurry and made his presence known as soon as he was born.  But he was an awesome newborn and started sleeping through quite quickly.  He has always been, and still is, a Mummy's Boy. He just loves being with me, which is great, because I just love being with him too.

I remember that he was always such a happy little guy, always laughing, usually at his big brother, Master 8.  But he could find fun and laughter in anything and everything.

I remember that he would love to sit outside and watch everyone play. You'd think with all the action going on he would join in...but he was my slowest walker so far. But that was ok, he was content just to sit and observe.

I remember how much he loved his first taste of cake on his First Birthday.  He loved smooshing it up and getting the blue icing all over himself. So much so that he had to have a bath before he could open his presents.

I remember how when his little sister arrived he wasn't too sure what was going on and was always pointing at her and asking "wassat? wassat?"  But over time he's grown to adore her and loves laying next to her on her playmat and playing with her.  I hope they get to be great friends as they grow up together.

Miss 5mths:  Obviously she hasn't been with us for long but she is a great baby.  She made me wait until the day before my due date to arrive (my longest baked baby) but she ended up being my smallest baby ever at 2900g.

I remember that she slotted into our family perfectly. We all adored her and it was pretty clear that she adored us too.

I remember that when she found her voice, she never stopped using it and would tell us big stories all the time.  She's a typical girl :).

I remember that she loves to play with her toys and to grace us with her beautiful smiles.

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