Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Blogs I'm loving right now

I'm a massive fan of reading other people's blogs. I just can't get enough of them. I thought I'd share some of my favourites with you in celebration of Nuffnang's Blog Day - which is today :).

Anything, Everything & Inbetween
Lovely Mummy-blog xx

Carly Webber - My Life in Colour
Beautiful photography

Whoa Mumma!
A mummy-blogger who makes me laugh every day xx

My Big Nutshell
Another mum who makes me laugh but is great for the serious convo too

Kate Says Stuff
She says the stuff that I'm always thinking xx

Check them out!!  And make sure you check out the Nuffnang link: Nuffnang celebrates Blog Day August 31st 2011 for some other great blogs being celebrated.

Want to share some blogs you love?  Leave them in my comments so I can check them out too!


  1. I have found your blog and love it! I am going to have a look at all your suggestions above. I am a NEWBIE too, this morning I received an award -the Versatile Bloggers Award - I would like to pass it on to you, if that is okay. All details up on my site today.x

  2. Hi Mardi - loving discovering all these new blogs today - thanks xxx


I love it when you comment, makes me feel all warm and gooey inside. So go on - make me feel special!

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